Are Project Bonuses Valuable?

Project bonuses are often used by companies to motivate their employees. The idea is that if an employee works hard and does a good job, then they will be given a bonus. However, this isn’t always the case.Sometimes people work hard but don’t get any kind of reward for it, which can lead to resentment among employees.Others may feel like they are being taken advantage of because they have to put in so much extra work without getting anything in return for it.In this article, we’ll explore whether or not project bonuses are valuable to your agency.

Knowing the Difference between Cost and Schedule Variance

A crucial part of running a business is ensuring a project is done within the projected timeframe. If a company fails to deliver within a specific timeframe, it will cost money and time. This is why variance analysis is done.Variance analysis is a way to determine the degree to which the figures deviate from the projected figure. A variance will be low if the actual results are closer to the projected potential. The more the exact figure differs from the projected figure, the higher the variance.

The Case For The 25-15 Resource Planning Method

Today, we’ll talk about how the “25-15 resource planning method” can help you keep projects on track, address any fires that arise, more accurately predict lead times and generally keep the stress levels down for your staff and yourself. The team behind Net Net are agency people, running pro services for nearly 20 years and we’ve always used this method with great success.

Managing Freelance Contractors in Your Marketing Agency

There’s a commonly held perception that independent contractors are freelancers living off the unemployment system or computer nerds working from home. The fact is, this is a grievous stereotype, one that doesn’t accurately reflect the reality of freelance agents.As digital working has evolved and matured, so have the roving digital workers. Independent contractors who meet regulatory requirements and have the right tools for their job are in demand. For this reason, these independent contractors have a much greater leverage when choosing the right employer.From social media content creation to online marketing and search engine optimization, marketing agencies and businesses are increasingly turning to them to fill various roles. If you’re running one of these companies, it’s best to know how to properly deal with freelancers.

Should You Work With Part-Time Freelancers with a Day Job?

Having the right people on board is quite important for any business, as they’re responsible for completing the tasks and doing what they can to uplift the company. However, often founders find it difficult to find, hire and retain the best people who are ready to stay with the team for a long time and to give the company all that they can.One of the best solutions to this problem is to employ freelancers to fill in the blanks. If you’re not using freelancers to work on your marketing or other departments, it’s definitely worth considering. After all, it can prove to be much more cost-efficient in the long run.

Cash Flow Forecasting: Your Guide to Financial Mastery as a Growing Firm Owner

Let’s master cash flow forecasting, a vital skill for evolving from a freelancer to a successful firm owner. This guide delves into managing finances, understanding cash flow, predicting income and expenses, and ensuring your firm’s financial health and growth through effective, strategic cash management.

Freelancers 101: Hiring Errors to Avoid

If your advertising agency, web design shop, IT firm or business consultancy is hiring freelancers, you know that everyone will tell you what to do, but is anyone as brave as your friends at Net Net to publish our top 6 don’t dos (or don’ts maybe) for brining them on? We don’t know, so let’s bottom line it with today’s article.

The Best Ways to Pay Freelancers According to Your Schedule

One of a company’s bread and butter and most trusted sources of productivity would be its freelancers. Besides the fact that they are more than capable of delivering their work on time, they are also skilled enough to do it in an exemplary manner. That said, we as company owners are responsible for paying them on time so they wouldn’t feel left out despite their best efforts at work.‍This may get a bit challenging, as we also have to ensure that they are paid according to our payment schedules. Luckily, we have a lot of options that will allow us to do just that.

4 reasons you should treat internal projects

Internal projects often slip to the needs of the clients in your professional services business. We offer 4 compelling reasons on why you should consider prioritizing internal projects as highly as you do anyone else who is paying you. It’ll help you scale faster and more consistently than ever.