What You Need to Know About Workflow Management Software

Today’s business landscape is changing faster than ever before, and this is primarily due to the technologies we use to support our business efforts. Unfortunately, this results in so many challenges, from trying to complete never-ending to-do lists down to staying on top of deadlines. As a result, the stress that one can experience is truly unimaginable at times. However, new solutions are available to counteract this problem, and one such solution is workflow management software.

5 Ways To Grow Your Freelance Business Beyond Upwork

According to Edelman Intelligence, 36% of the US workforce – 57.3 million – are freelancers. This sizable population contributes $1.4 trillion to the US economy through freelance work. It’s no wonder a platform like Upwork posts 3 million jobs every year, worth a total of $1 billion in freelancing gigs.

What You Should Do & Shouldn’t Do on Social Media Platforms – Our Guide

Long gone are the days of knocking on doors and handing out fliers to increase brand awareness. Today, social media is extremely important for businesses because it can help find new clients and engage with interested users and existing customers. With plenty of social media platforms out there for companies to take advantage of, it’s all too easy to get lost in the choices. Too many brands focus solely on just being visible on social media, and completely forget to consider whether they’re doing it the right way. One mistake can make a business’s reputation take a huge hit, and a damaged reputation online may be challenging to fix.

Why logging all of your time and time management is important

The first step of time management is logging all your time. Time, unlike money, cannot be saved for later use.The problem with not logging your time is that you are missing out on the opportunity to see where wasted time is occurring and how it can be reduced or eliminated.Logging your time also allows you to keep track of how productive you are being during the day. Below, we’ll list all of the reasons why logging time is extremely important for your agency.

Freelancing 101: Why We’re Working From Home In 2021 & Beyond

Sure, it’s freedom to wear sweatpants 24/7 – but freelancing is much, much more. Whether it’s forgetting the camera is on while bringing a Zoom call to the bathroom or forgetting that the mute button is a thing, 2020 has given us an unprecedented look into working from home. New and unexpected for many, and a regular routine for many more!