Unleash the Power of Workflow Management for Web Design Firms
Unleash workflow management’s power for web design firms: streamline processes, improve collaboration, and boost success! Here’s how…
They won’t agree! 10 tips to solve client side disagreements
Discover how to align stakeholders, foster consensus, and navigate complex web design projects with diplomacy and ease with our 10 tips.
Atomic Web Design: 6 Steps to Maximize Workflow Management
Optimize your web design workflow management with Atomic Design. Learn how this innovative methodology streamlines the process in 6 steps.
What the heck is Net Net anyhow?
Find out more about Net Net, the powerful workflow management app that helps identify, estimate, manage, track and report on projects and retainers.
Should You Work With Part-Time Freelancers with a Day Job?
Having the right people on board is quite important for any business, as they’re responsible for completing the tasks and doing what they can to uplift the company. However, often founders find it difficult to find, hire and retain the best people who are ready to stay with the team for a long time and to give the company all that they can.One of the best solutions to this problem is to employ freelancers to fill in the blanks. If you’re not using freelancers to work on your marketing or other departments, it’s definitely worth considering. After all, it can prove to be much more cost-efficient in the long run.
Freelancers 101: Hiring Errors to Avoid
If your advertising agency, web design shop, IT firm or business consultancy is hiring freelancers, you know that everyone will tell you what to do, but is anyone as brave as your friends at Net Net to publish our top 6 don’t dos (or don’ts maybe) for brining them on? We don’t know, so let’s bottom line it with today’s article.
The Importance of Traffic and Project Managers to Ad Agencies
What keeps the work flowing at your agency? Most successful agencies have Traffic Project Managers. It’s a key role to keep cash flow flowing. Find out more in our article!
4 Great Ways to Find the Best Freelancers for Your Team
How does your advertising agency, web design shop, software firm, IT shop or business consultancy find really great freelancers to help your scale your business? Here are some ideas we’ve come across.
4 ways to use screen recordings for client web design communications
When it comes to client communications, the best way is not always just a phone call or an email. Sometimes, you may need to use a visual presentation in order for your clients to fully understand what you want them to do. In this blog post, we’ll discuss four ways to use screen recordings for client conferences.
Freelancing 101: Why We’re Working From Home In 2021 & Beyond
Sure, it’s freedom to wear sweatpants 24/7 – but freelancing is much, much more. Whether it’s forgetting the camera is on while bringing a Zoom call to the bathroom or forgetting that the mute button is a thing, 2020 has given us an unprecedented look into working from home. New and unexpected for many, and a regular routine for many more!